Media Archive
In the course of our research, we come across public videos that speak to one of our inquires. They present a variety of lay opinions concerning the research inquires we are engaged with.
Culture Wars
Peter Limberg, a writer and podcast host gives us his description of Culture War 2.0. It's fine as far as it goes but there is so much more to be explored.
Philosopher Ken Wilber discusses an advanced view of the culture wars that includes a more nuanced view of the three worldviews currently warring for cultural dominance.
Owen Jones piece for the Guardian on the culture wars of slavery, statues and racism
Culture wars and sacred cows have been the subject of satirical South Park episodes written by Trey Parker and Matt Stone.
Henry Jenkins of the MIT Media Lab summarizes the emergence of Transmedia storytelling and convergence culture.
How social media will destroy your life. Commentary from multiple sources.
Summarized findings on cable news opinion driven programming and the emergence of fringe messaging in the main stream media.
Commentary on MIT study on fake news.
Post Truth Politics
A brief definition of post truth terms
Dystopian Narratives
Joe Saltzman on Fake News
A brief collage of the 2020 election big lie
Disruptive Technology
Tomas Bay attempts to get his hands around a the impact of disruptive technologies.
CGP Grey explains why in the future humans need not apply.
Nick Bostrom explores a variety of AI applications that might impact humanities future.
A talk given by Prof Stuart Russell on Provably Beneficial Artificial Intelligence
Socio-Economic Impacts
Cultural commentator Kasim Javed compares the current political power of nation states vs. mega-corporations.
Politizine explores Americans perception of wealth equity in the United States.
Yanis Varoufakis explores whether capitalism needs democracy.
Second Thought explores media outlet consolidation and its impact on the news and corporate power.
All Our Relations
24 days into the Covid lock down crisis Trevor Noah takes a look at how basic human relationships are changing or need to change.
In this TED Vancover talk, Baratunde Thurston deconstructs the language of racism and its impacts on everyday living being different for people of color.
Social Media use has been blamed for lots of societal ills. This video explores the 5 ways that social media is changing your brain .
A news round table explores the question: Are corporations becoming more powerful than nation states?
What is Spirit Up To? - The Impact of the Evolution of Religious and Spiritual Beliefs
Philosopher Ken Wilber defines the difference between mythic religion and higher stages of spirituality.
A scientific look at the accelerating research into human consciousness.
A summary of James Fowler's Stages of Faith Development
A TEDx Talk by Dr. Lorenzo Barberis on the current state of collective intelligence research.
A quick summary by Dr, Cindy Wigglesworth on the 21 skills associated with spiritual intelligence.
A summary of Ray Kurzweil's prediction of a technological singularity and what it might mean to the future of the evolution of intelligence.
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